Ace 1 Logistics LLC Specializes in Repairing and Unclogging French Drains.
French Drain repair Is less expensive and far more disarable a solution to replacing the footing drain with a new gravel-and-pipe system that can cost several thousand dollars and leave a disturbed lawn in its wake.

          French drain is the term for any gravel-and-tile or gravel-and-pipe-based system. It takes its name from Henry Flagg French, who chronicled its use in agriculture in the mid-19th century. When it’s around the house, it’s actually a footing drain or a foundation drain. It’s meant to drain excess water away from the foundation by gravity, directing it to a point on the Property.
            Just like any other type of drain, French drains are susceptible to clogging. Soil and debris have a tendency to build up inside the pipes, eventually stopping water from flowing altogether.


This new homeowner  was experiencing  flooding  between  the neighbors  house and fence.Upon inspection I found the point where drainage pipe was leaking and  impacted  filled with cement and debris needing repairs.French Drain  Repairs